miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

It's been a while vocal cover :D



This week I learnt about stress... Literally.

There've been many topics this partial, I mean seriously too much contain to see and learn and because of that I think this was the most hard part of the semester. I said I learnt about stress, and that's truth, both physiologically and personally because one of the themes on pharmacology was stress and the hormonal response, and it was very funny to know these last few days that I've been so stressed, what was going on into my body and all the damaging stuff that it means, but however... I have to get along with the idea that it's gonna be like this my whole carrier, so... I keep going.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

HMW 06/06/2016

This week I learnt about anemia.

To tell the truth, this one has been a hard partial. I don't know exactly what's happening but I feel unfocused, and I really want the semester to finish now. Anyway, the firs topics these last days are diarrhea and disorders of blood cells.
There are many causes that can provoque an intestinal desease like Crohn desease for example, that generates a damage to the mucous wall of the bowel that can be accompained with a chronical bleeding that might finish on anemia for loosing blood in a large period.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Cisticercosis and criptosporidiosis.

One of the most interesting topics this week was infection by Ascaris lumbricoides, a specie of protozoo that comes into the organism and stay there adhered to the intestinal wall while spread lots of eggs charged with the immature form of itself. I think this is very important because we live in a place where there are the appropiate conditions for this protozoo to grow up, representing a very dangerous thinks to our population.

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

This week I learnt about deseases.

With the arriving of this new partial, I've started to catch up all my subjects to finally get better notes than before. Anyway, the first topic these past days it's been pathopshysiology of bacterial infection. This is interesting because I start understanding how the most common deseases evolve and how they generate sickness on us. It's surprising how easy it is to get reached by microorganisms, that actually are always around us, but our bodies manage to protect himself about this pathogens.